Embrace the Snow Moon in Leo: Ignite Your Creative Fire

Every month, a Full Moon occurs, impacting nature on Earth in various ways. Symbolic of the feminine, the Full Moon reflects the sun's light, marking the end of the lunar cycle and the beginning of a new one. It’s an ideal time to reflect on past weeks, release negative energy, and make space for future aspirations.

Native Americans named Full Moons based on monthly events. The Snow Moon, according to the Farmer's Almanac, is named for February’s snowy conditions and is believed to bring chaotic energy and unpredictable moods. This year’s Snow Moon in fiery Leo sparks creativity and passion, affecting Leos and fixed signs (Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio), and fellow fire sign Sagittarius more intensely. It encourages us to express ourselves, follow our intuition, and embrace genuine self-expression.

Tonight, reflect on recent outcomes, write down and release obstacles, and burn these barriers safely. Consider a moon bath to benefit from its calming effects.

Related products: Full Moon poster and a Ritual inscense pack 

Sources: timeanddate.com, jenniferracioppi.com, astrologyanswers.com

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